How Excess Weight Can Damage Your Joints?

The joints are an integral part of our body; joints are called when two or more bones meet and move to work together. People worldwide struggle with many joint arthritis disorders like knee arthritis, joint pain and stiffness, knee joint pain, and osteoarthritis knee.

This page will discuss about joint pain causes and how to manage joint pain relief.

Arthritis Osteoarthritis – Osteoarthritis is one of the most common forms of joint disorders/arthritis. This condition often begins and affects people aged 40 and above. In comparison to women, men develop joint pain/osteoarthritis more.

Excessive weight raises the risk of developing osteoarthritis in three different ways.

    1.   Excess body weight stresses joints like the elbow, knee, and hips. Excess body weight is known as a major cause of keen pain.
    2.   The inflammatory factors connected with weight lead to different problems in other body joints.
    3.   Due to some internal injuries

Arthritis weight loss and osteoarthritis weight loss therapy are suggested for overweight people. Weight plays a vital role in joint stress. Being overweight contributes to stress on your joints, especially the weight-bearing joints (e.g., the knees and the hips). Health providers state that a single pound of excess weight can exert about 4 pounds of extra pressure on the knees.

That’s why people with overweight are at higher risk of developing arthritis in the first phase. Once a person has arthritis, the additional body weight causes problems in already damaged joints. Causes of joint pain in knees restrict many physical movements and badly affect life quality.

Arthritis in knee symptoms

Arthritis of the knee joint is painful and a serious condition that worsens with age. Three bones meet together to form the knee joint. Osteoarthritis is the most common type; one can experience it in one knee or both knees.

The most common knee joint symptoms include:

    • Pain
    • Swelling
    • Stiffness

Not only does the extra weight on joints cause damage to the joints, but fat is also an active tissue that creates and releases chemicals, which leads to inflammation. These release chemicals influence the development of osteoarthritis. This effect has been proven in numerous studies that have been linked to osteoarthritis.

knee joint pain treatment

Remedies and treatment for joint pain and stiffness can offer joint relief. Some natural knee joint pain treatments include:

  1.   One should keep his/her fat in control to avoid joint stress, especially if you already have osteoarthritis. The extra weight causes strains and damage to joints, so shedding those pounds can help reduce the chances of arthritis. 
  2.   Losing weight can improve joint health and function to a great extent and reduce joint pain. A recent study of overweight states that a weight loss of about 12 pounds can reduce the risk of developing knee osteoarthritis by half. It is also recommended to consult your health physician to have joint pain medication if your pain is severe. He may prescribe some effective joint health tablets to you for instant relief.
  3.   Exercise and regular activities can also help you to get instant relief from osteoarthritis. Bone and muscle strengthening exercises especially promote joint health.

    Try these exercises to build strength in your joints:
    • Walking, jogging, or running
    • Swimming
    • Using exercise machines like elliptical and stair-climbers
    • Playing tennis
    • Hiking
    • Doing aerobic exercises
    • Doing yoga, Pilates, or tai chi

Try reducing extra pounds by alleviating joint pressure by exercising regularly and following a healthy diet. But you should be very careful while doing exercise; otherwise, this effort can come with a heavy payoff price if you’re not careful. People who are obese should exercise under the supervision of a trainer.

Exercise Precautions

Physical therapy plays a vital role in helping exercise properly. A physical therapist can describe you how to exercise correctly and also teach you how to deal with any injuries before they become major. He may also guide you with the best exercise for knee arthritis. Following the best tactics to do safe exercise can protect you from pain and joint damage.

Here are some simple tips for preventing joint damage and pain while staying fit:

    1.   Don’t forget to wear orthotics if you have a foot problem.
    2.   Do replace your shoes regularly for better support.
    3.   Pay attention, focus on your body, and rest when you feel pain.
    4.   Learn the proper mechanisms for walking, jogging, and running.
    5.   Go easy and slow in the initial phase of your workouts, and then gradually speed up your workouts.
    6.   Use the best joint health supplement to reduce pain
    7.   Follow a joint pain diet to get rid of pain.
    8.   Take a weekly joint massage.
    9.   Stretch your body completely to allow all muscles and bones to move flexibly.
    10. Do weight loss if you are overweight or your BMI is not in range.

Above are some of the best things for joints and arthritic knee pain. Consult your doctor/ orthopedic to learn the best treatment for joint pain if you are not benefitting from these remedies. 

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