Regular exercise and a healthy diet are good for overall health, including asthma prevention. There are no known foods that help to reduce inflammation in the airways. However, a healthy diet is an essential part of an asthma treatment plan.

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that is associated with inflammation of the air passage. If you have asthma, you are the only to have this respiratory tract disorder, about 26 people in the USA have asthma. The incidence of respiratory tract disorder is kept on rising in the United States. As per data, around 300 million people across the world have asthma.

Can diet affect your Asthma Symptoms?

In association with environmental factors like smoke exposure, inhaled allergen, and air pollution (indoor and outdoor), genetic plays a crucial role in asthma pathophysiology. Also, a lot of studies suggest the role of diet as a key factor influencing the development of allergic diseases. Incorporation of a healthy diet and regular exercise to the asthma treatment plan may be a positive strategy towards asthma prevention.

If you are dealing with asthma symptoms, you may be curious about whether certain food choices could help in asthma prevention. However, it has not established yet that a specific diet influences the frequency or severity of asthma attacks. While eating nutritious food may improve your health, including your asthma symptoms. According to research studies, replacing processed foods with fresh foods such as vegetables and fruits may cause a significant reduction in asthma symptoms. Although more research is required, early evidence suggests that there is no single food that helps you with asthma cure. But it is believed that people with asthma may benefit from eating a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

Certain food may also contribute to allergies. Food allergies may develop when your immune system overreacts to specific proteins in foods. In some cases, this may give rise to asthma symptoms. Several research studies found obesity as a major risk factor for developing asthma. Furthermore, treating asthma in obese people can be challenging. Eating a well-balanced diet and maintaining a healthy weight may make it easier for you to manage your condition.

Eat well to breathe well  

There is no specific diet for asthma prevention, but there are some healthy foods that can support your lung function. One should include these essential foods nutrients as a part of their asthma treatment plan to get a better symptom control.

  • Vitamin D- Getting an adequate amount of vitamin D may help reduce the frequency of asthma attacks in children. Sources of vitamin D include eggs, fortified milk, salmon, and fortified orange juice. If you are allergic to dairy products or eggs, you may switch to other sources of vitamin D. Food intolerance can result in asthma.
  • Apples- Apples are associated with increased lung function and lower risk f asthma. An apple a day keep your breathing issues away.
  • Magnesium- As per reports of American Journal epidemiology, children between the ages 11 to 19 who have reduced magnesium levels also tend to have decreased lung function. You can improve magnesium level in your kid by serving them magnesium-rich foods such as swiss chard, salmon, pumpkin seeds, spinach, and dark chocolate. Inhaling magnesium through a nebulizer is another effective way to treat asthma symptoms caused by magnesium deficiency.

Also Read: Allergic Asthma Triggers You Must Look Out For

Foods and risk of Asthma

Certain food items may trigger asthma and cause you to experience breathlessness, wheezing, and coughing. However, you must always consult a dietician before eliminating any food item from your diet. Avoid sulphites which are found in dried fruits, wine, shrimp, pickled food, and lime juice. Eating acidic foods can trigger acid reflux which may ultimately lead to chest tightness and triggers other asthma symptoms. Such foods are onions, fried foods, carbonated drinks, beans, cabbage, and garlic.

How exercise help with Asthma

Some forms of exercise offer a variety of health benefits such as boosting mental health, improving heart health, and reducing the risk of other health complications. Individuals having asthma may also experience improve lung function by building the body’s stamina. Regular exercise helps reduce weight which can reduce the risk of asthma attacks. People with asthma may also notice improved immune system function, which causes a significant reduction in the risk of upper respiratory tract infection that is responsible for triggering asthma symptoms. Exercise is known to improve mood and stress, which can minimize asthma symptoms.  Exercise improves strength without putting too much strength on the lungs. Yoga, swimming, weightlifting, and other activities like playing volleyball, badminton, tennis, and golf are particularly suitable for people with asthma. Yoga helps a person focus on his/her breathing and hence considered an ideal asthma cure. Practicing yoga helps in enhancing the lung capacity while building muscle strength for overall fitness.