Foods that lower blood pressure

Following the best diet to lower blood pressure may help control your blood pressure. By starting new food habits, including lowering salt intake, having a count on calories, and watching portion sizes, you may be able to lower blood pressure naturally.

Your blood pressure says a lot about the wellness and fitness of your health. Even if you have high blood pressure or hypertension, you don’t need to panic or worry too much, as there is a blood pressure diet to lower blood pressure.  

High blood pressure has become one of the most common health conditions that men and women probably experience in their 30s-40s and later years. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every third person aged 18+ is suffering from hypertension, and they have at least one symptom of high blood pressure. Our sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical exercise, and poor diet are found to be the major factors for high blood pressure. So, you must seriously concentrate on these factors to treat this health condition.

Understand blood pressure:    

A normal blood pressure reads 120/80 milliliters of mercury, while higher than 140/90 for a longer period is a sign of hypertension that could put you at risk for stroke as well as heart disease, kidney failure, and other problems. If you are looking to lower high blood pressure with less effort, changes in the diet offer the very first solution. 

Diet to treat high blood pressure:

If you have high blood pressure, it is even more important to look closely at your diet. Incorporating a hypertension diet that includes foods to reduce blood pressure can help control blood pressure.

There is a long list of the best foods to lower blood pressure that help you control hypertension and, thereby, you can live a healthy life. Health experts recommend a DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet that refers to eating healthy foods while reducing fat, salt, alcohol, and excess spices. Under the DASH diet (based on about 20K calories a day), you are suggested to increase the intake of foods with plenty of vitamins and minerals like calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Generally, the edibles of low-fat, whole grains, green vegetables, and seasonal fruits are highly recommended foods that lower blood pressure. Some of such foods that lower blood pressure can be counted as:   

  1. Leafy green vegetables for hypertension patients:

Potassium is one of the most effective elements to mitigate hypertension; green vegetables are a great source. Try to increase the intake of green vegetables such as romaine lettuce, turnip greens, collard greens, spinach, collard greens, mustard greens, kale, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower), arugula, and lentils.

Fresh and canned greens offer added sodium. You can also include other products like black, red bell peppers, summer squash, pinto, navy, green beans, Brussels sprouts, celery, garbanzo, cabbage, and fennel. Some 4-5 daily servings of raw and leafy greens (1 cup) and cooked vegetables are helpful to reduce high blood pressure.  

  1. Berries to check hypertension:

Blueberries and blackberries are highly beneficial foods that naturally reduce blood pressure. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition findings reveal that just 1 cup of strawberries or blueberries once a week can mitigate the risk of high blood pressure.

Anthocyanin, a strong antioxidant found in blueberries and strawberries, helps you open blood vessels. It also elevates blood flow, thereby lowering the risk of hypertension. You can add blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries to your regular blood pressure diet and take them as regular salads daily. 

  1. Beets to keep blood pressure normal:

Take either raw beets or drink its juice; this fruit is always beneficial to keep blood pressure under control. Those ignorant about lowering blood pressure can rely on beets containing plenty of nitrates to help them with immediate effects. Research studies also show that beet juice controls systolic blood pressure by about 10%. You can take cooked beets or eat the whole root as a salad.    

  1. Oatmeal to combat high blood pressure:

Research studies have found that eating soluble-fiber-rich whole-grain oatmeal regularly can significantly reduce blood pressure readings by up to 50%. Taking it in the breakfast has greater effects, and you can also eat it with berries and honey for taste. Oatmeal is recommended among the most effective foods that lower blood pressure. Even in some cases, people may require medication to increase blood pressure.

diet to lower blood pressure

  1. One banana a day for blood pressure:

Generally, people recommend one apple a day to keep you fit and fine but don’t undermine the importance of bananas, especially when it’s a case of hypertension. The high amount of potassium in the banana can keep blood pressure under control. Make banana your regular food supplement that you can take for breakfast or after lunch. This fruit is available in every season and quite affordable as well.      

  1. Other food items to control hypertension:

There are some more foods to eat to lower blood pressure as they can increase the amount of natural fiber, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. These foods to reduce blood pressure include:

Apples, Apricots, Carrots, Yogurt (fat-free), Dates, Grapes, Green peas, Tomatoes, Lima beans, Mangoes, Melons, Oranges, Peaches, Pineapples, Potatoes, Raisins, Squash, Sweet potatoes, Tangerines, Tuna.


If you have high blood pressure, you may wonder if medicines are necessary to decrease the numbers. But lifestyle modifications, including getting the best diet to lower blood pressure, are crucial in treating high blood pressure. Controlling blood pressure with a healthy diet is the best way to lower blood pressure. Regular exercise, having a good night’s sleep, quitting smoking, and limiting alcohol intake are other effective ways to lower blood pressure.

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