Lower your blood sugar

Diabetes or high sugar level in the blood has become one of the top 10 health diseases registered across the world. The information regarding how to lower your blood sugar is very important to keep the problem under check.

Think about the scenario of diseases before the 1950s, there were rare cases of diabetes. But now it looks like blood sugar has become a common problem and those who are living in the urban areas or metropolitan cities and reached 40s or 50s probably have high sugar level. There are more than 400 million cases of diabetes across the world as compared to just 30 million patients registered in 1985. This number is expected to touch the mark of 552 million in 2030. So, it is something imperative to take medical treatment and home solutions like foods to bring down blood sugar to a certain level.

Anatomy of blood sugar:

Blood sugar is the main concern of diabetes management. The diabetic condition arises when the pancreas fails to produce sufficient insulin. The deficiency of insulin encourages the level of blood sugar, so the blood turns into sweet. You might have wondered from where does sugar in the blood come from. It simply comes from the food items that we take. Our internal system breaks down every food material into different types of sugar during the digestion process. So a certain level of sugar is always present in a healthy body that has to be maintained. That’s why it becomes important to know how to lower your blood sugar through different means.

Types of blood sugar:

There are two common forms of diabetic condition classified as Type 1 and Type 2.

Type 1

The Type 1 diabetes can be found in the normal weight people, including children and young adults. This insulin-dependent diabetes is a severe condition, in which most of the insulin-producing cells do not work or become dead, leading the deficiency of insulin and then weight loss.

Type 2

This type of blood sugar is very common, accounting about 90% of all diabetes cases. The obese people are most affected by it in their middle or later ages. In this condition, the sugar in the blood reaches to a dramatically higher level. Though type 2 diabetics witness high secretion of insulin in their body, but that is not enough to diminish sugar level and it results as more weight gain.

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Symptoms of high blood sugar:

In most of the diabetic condition, certain signs and symptoms can be seen when the level of blood in sugar reaches beyond 200 mg/dL. These symptoms are:
• Sudden, excessive fatigue
• Severe headaches
• Blurry vision
• Increased urination
• Abdominal pain
• Nausea
• Dry mouth
• Confusion

Effects of high blood sugar:

The effects of hyperglycemia are probably very severe. Such effects can cause:
• Excess thirst
• Eye damage
• Joint pain
• Kidney failure
• Damage the nerve system
• Cardiovascular disease
• Skin and gum infections
• Diabetic coma

Control blood sugar:

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that regular monitoring of blood sugar is essential. It should be measured before and after taking the meal. A normal level of blood sugar remains between 70 to 130 mg/dL before meals and less than 180 mg/dL after eating.
If the level of blood sugar increases with different types of food items, it can also be controlled by food. Apart from some medication, out dietary makes a difference in keeping the sugar level under check. The question is that whether you know how to lower your blood sugar by the natural methods. There are some especially prescribed food items that will certainly help you to lower it. Some foods that bring blood sugar down include:

• Leafy green vegetables
The intake of magnesium-rich leafy green vegetables are very fruitful for controlling the blood sugar. Some of these vegetables are kale, dandelion greens, spinach, collards, turnip greens, romaine, arugula, all lettuces, Swiss chard, and many other vegetables of green look that you can think of. They have potent vitamins and minerals to bring down sugar level in the blood.

• Seeds
Another powerful nutrition needed for controlling blood sugar comes from various seeds like sunflower, sesame, pumpkin, flax, Chia, and others. The regular intake of such seeds in the meal is highly recommended for diabetics.

• Avocados
Avocados are like super fruits by several means. The monounsaturated fatty acids found in avocados help us to fight digestion problems and stabilizing insulin levels. The B vitamins such as vitamin B6 and folate available in the avocados complement to reduce the levels of blood sugar.

• Oatmeal
The soluble fiber found in the oatmeal has magical power to prevent the spikes of sugar in the blood. Take its ideal amount regularly to improve insulin production.

• Other foods
Whole grains like rice, wheat germ, millet, amaranth, teff, quinoa, quinoa, brown and wild rice
Green tea

Physical exercise:
The regular workout or morning walk is one of the most crucial practices, apart from foods to bring down blood sugar. Your blood circulation and stamina depend a lot on your exercise. Diabetics have to be a bit athletic to mitigate the effects of blood sugar. At least, go for a walk every morning.

It’s true that the diabetic problem has become like an endemic across the world, but you need not panic. Our medical science has also advanced to bring it down, and several medical solutions are available for you. It’s important to know how to lower your blood sugar through natural methods, as they have no side-effects and guarantee to make your like healthy and happy for a long.

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