There are several causes of frequent urination, including a serious condition. Early detection of the underlying problem can lead to effective treatment.

If you find yourself making frequent trips to the bathroom throughout the day and night, you could be dealing with a medical symptom called frequent urination.

What causes frequent urination?

This inconveniency can be caused by many conditions. Even though the condition is distressing and stressful, it can be managed with the help of a health care specialist.

Frequent urination or excessive urination is a condition when you feel the urge to pass the urine more often than normal. There are many causes of frequent urination, some of which are not serious. For instance, excessive urination may occur after drinking lots of fluids containing alcohol and caffeine. Pregnant women may also have signs of frequent urination due to the pressure put on the urinary bladder because of the growing size of the uterus. If excessive urination is persistent, it can be symptoms of an underlying disease. These include urinary tract infection, disease, an enlarged prostate in men and side effects of certain drugs such as diuretics (blood thinner).

The condition of frequent urination can affect people of all ages. In some cases, excessive urination may occur with additional signs and symptoms such as burning sensation while urinating, and foul smell. Some people may also experience Nocturia means excessive urination at night, which is more common with aging.

In some cases, frequent urination can be a result of a serious medical condition such as diabetes, urosepsis, or pyelonephritis. In such cases, it is important to take immediate medical help, especially in cases of persistent, frequent urination. However, timely treatment can reduce the risk of serious complications associated with the underlying disorder such as kidney failure.

Seek immediate medical care if you have frequent urination accompanied by signs of high fever, abdominal pain, bloody urine, or change in consciousness.

What are the causes of frequent urination?

Well, the symptoms may be because of an infection, inflammation, or other medical conditions associated with the urinary tract. Disorders of other body systems can also cause excessive urination. Poorly controlled diabetes can lead to symptoms of frequent urination because of high levels of sugar in the blood. Diabetes results in symptoms such as increased thirst and frequent urination.

Check out the causes of frequent urination associated with the urinary tract and reproductive system:

-Bladder cancer

-Benign prostatic hyperplasia or the condition of the enlarged prostate

-Gonorrhea and vaginitis

-Cystitis, a bladder infection

-An overactive bladder

-Pelvic organ prolapsed

-Urinary incontinence

-Pregnancy and childbirth

-Pyelonephritis, a bladder infection, and kidney infection

-Prostatitis, an infection of the prostate gland

-Pelvic inflammatory disease

Other causes of frequent urination due to conditions that affect other organs of the body include pregnancy, anxiety, exposure to cold weather, or pelvic tumor or mass.

Complications associated with frequent urination

Complications associated with excessive urination depends on the underlying medical condition. In some cases, frequent urination due to uncontrolled diabetes, kidney infection can be life threatening. One can reduce these complications by following a treatment plan provided by your health care specialist. Underlying causes of frequent urination can give rise to some serious complications and these are infertility, diabetic coma, shock, progression of cancer to metastasis (spread of cancer), ketoacidosis, permanent kidney damage, or renal failure.

When it comes to treating the underlying cause of frequent urination, it is important to consult a health care specialist. A doctor’s consultation will help you identify the underlying cause of the symptom and help you heal faster. Your doctor will prescribe a treatment plan depending on your condition and that you need to follow without break.

Also Read: Can an Enlarged Prostate (BPH) Affect Your Bladder?