Asthma in children – early diagnosis is vital

Asthma in children is the talk of the day as innocent children are not aware of its health hazards. That’s why they become the easy victims to many diseases and asthma is also a common one.

Asthma in children

Most of the children suffering from the respiratory problems like asthma are under five. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways that causes the obstruction in the smooth passage of air from the nasal area and mouth to lungs. The airway inflammation increases the hyperactivity of the bronchial tubes by narrowing down the passage area. A stronger immune system can provide better resistance to the inflammatory reactions. Since a child’s immune system is not so strong, they easily develop asthma’s symptoms.
It’s important to provide asthma medication to the children in early age. Otherwise asthma’s symptoms may linger lifelong. Asthma poses some serious problems for children that account for more school absence and long medication procedure.

Causes of asthma in children:

There are various causes that bring children under asthma attack. These causes include:
• Allergy
• Respiratory infections
• Genetic effects
• Proximity to chemical materials
• Animal dander
• Dust mite and pollen
• Exposure to smoke

Symptoms of asthma in children:

Unlike adults, children may not be able to tell you about their difficulties while suffering from asthma but you have to recognize its symptoms and then start asthma medications accordingly. Some of the common signs and symptoms of asthma in children are:

Shortness of breath and, sometimes, loss of breath
Presence of a chronic cough
Whistling sound when breathing (wheezing)
Rapid breathing
Continuous discharge of mucus
Chest pain and tightened neck
Fatigue and sluggishness

Seeing these symptoms of asthma in children, a child specialist or paediatrician will test the airways’ function in the body under the medical procedure. A medical test is also necessary to confirm the intensity of the problem so that effective asthma medications can be given.

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Treatment of asthma in children:

It’s a bit difficult to identify the signs of asthma in children, so the doctors take the help of family history and conditions of the childbirth. Sometimes, a prematurely born baby exhibits the early signs of respiratory problems. Parents have to understand if particular asthma’s symptom is recurring over time. If the presence of asthma in children is confirmed then it requires immediate attention for the treatment that follows some specific steps.

The asthma treatment includes two major steps based on the disease’s intensity. The first step involves the immediate relief, and second measure is taken for the long-term asthma control.
Children suffering from continuous coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath are provided quick relief measures like a typical inhaler and anti-inflammatory medicines. Under the long-term diagnosis, the doctor focuses on Airways’ inflammation and tries to prevent asthma’s symptoms.

Long-term asthma control:

Corticosteroid is the most common asthma medication. It has anti-inflammatory drugs that help opening up bronchial tubes. Leukotriene modifiers are also taken along with the inhaler. Such modifiers are very effective in controlling psychological reactions that handle agitation, depression, aggression and impulsive suicidal thinking.

Medication for allergic asthma in children:

Children suffering from allergic asthma are provided immunotherapy that includes allergy desensitization shots. Under the procedure, skin tests are conducted to identify the substances causing allergic symptoms. After that, small doses of injections and other anti-allergic asthma medications are given for the gradual diminution of the allergic effects.

Control the factors of asthma:

It’s very important for the presents to take actions for keeping all such factors away from the children that could invite or trigger asthma. The major factors that you have to keep in mind are:

• Very cool environment
• Allergens like dust mite and mold
• Cigarette smoke and chemical hazards
• Kitchen smoke
• Pet dander

Learn about asthma and follow an action plan:

For better management of asthma in toddlers, it’s crucial to learn the steps are necessary to take on a daily, weekly, monthly as well as yearly basis. Parents should know how to monitor their children with asthma symptoms.
An asthma action plan is a prerequisite for the successful control of asthma in children. Such a management plan reminds parents to take care of the child. It also guides parents to make sure if the child is getting the required amount of attention in school or outside the home. An action plan helps you to track the nature of asthma’s symptoms while going through asthma medication course.


Children need extra care when it comes to treating them for any internal or external body problem. Asthma in children may hamper their childhood. So, it requires effective diagnosis–a combination of medical and psychological treatment. Parents are primarily responsible for taking care of their children. Please check if your child is developing any asthma symptoms because it’s better to treat the problem at earliest to secure his or her future.

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