Symptoms of being pregnant

Have you conceived? The best way to be sure is by going for a pregnancy test. However, some early pregnancy symptoms can make it easier to guess if you are expecting. Know the first pregnancy signs and why they occur.

While noting the symptoms of being pregnant, keep in mind that every female body is unique, and so are the experiences of pregnancy. There may be no common pregnancy symptoms between two pregnant women or even between the first and subsequent pregnancies of the same woman. Here are some symptoms that you are pregnant:

Tender Breasts – Breast tissue is very hormone-sensitive. When HCG and progesterone begin to fill the body after the egg is fertilized, it increases the blood volume in the breasts which makes them feel heavier. Soreness in breasts is one of the most common early pregnancy symptoms. In the initial phase of pregnancy, the breasts may feel and become very sensitive in preparation to produce milk.

Dark areolas – In some women, the areolas, which are the circles of the nipples, become dark at the time of pregnancy.  It is one of the common early pregnancy signs.

Spotting – There may be light spotting as the embryo gets implanted in the uterus. Also, if your period is lighter and shorter than usual, it may be one of the initial pregnancy symptoms.

early pregnancy symptoms

Frequent urination – At the time of pregnancy, the uterus presses on the urinary bladder, and this leads to frequent urination. It may also cause constipation.

Fatigue – Some women may feel very tired at the onset of pregnancy. This is one of the early signs you are pregnant.

Nausea – Many women experience nausea due to an increase in hormone levels. It is often referred to as “morning sickness.” However, it is not limited to just morning; some women may experience it all day long.

Smell sensitivity – Many women become very sensitive to smells at the time of pregnancy. As per some studies, this happens maybe to prevent the mother from eating spoiled foods and thus save the baby from toxins.

Missing periods – This is one of the most obvious pregnancy signs. However, it does not always mean that you are pregnant. Many other factors including an erratic schedule, stress, or unhealthy eating can lead you to miss your periods.

Cramps – You may experience cramps when you are expecting. This is one of the pre-pregnancy symptoms experienced by some women and is however due to the implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterine wall.

Bloating – Some women may experience bloating due to a surge in estrogen and progesterone in the body. Almost every woman feels bloated at some time or the other at the time of pregnancy.

Food cravings – Even in the early stages of pregnancy, the baby begins to use up your calories, and this can deplete you of energy quickly. During pregnancy, a woman requires at least 300 extra calories initially to help the baby to grow. Most women feel hungry all through the day and may experience cravings for particular kinds of foods.

Headaches – Some women experience migraine headaches at the time of pregnancy. However, some women who otherwise suffer from migraine headaches may get a little relief with pregnancy.

symptoms of being pregnant

Mood swings – This is another of the common first pregnancy symptoms. Many women experience going through a wide variety of emotions throughout pregnancy due to hormonal changes.

Dizziness – Changing hormones and fast heartbeat may cause a dip in blood pressure in the initial stages of pregnancy. This may cause many women to experience periods of nausea or dizziness.

Vivid dreams – Many women report dramatic dreams during pregnancy. Thanks to surging hormones.

To be sure if you are pregnant or not, buy a pregnancy test kit from your local chemist or visit your doctor. You can take the test the very first day you miss your period. It takes almost fifteen days from the time you conceive for the pregnancy hormone to show in the urine. Therefore, there is no need to go for the test too soon.

The bottom line!

Side effects of being pregnant include nausea, vomiting, tiredness, breast changes, and frequent urination. It may be that your first pregnancy test results turn out to be negative but if you are experiencing some of these pre-pregnancy symptoms and you have missed your period, it is recommended that you go for a re-test to confirm your pregnancy.

Also Read: Nutrition Tips for Optimal Women’s Health

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