5 Warning Signs of Type 2 diabetes

Are you concerned that you have Type 2 diabetes? Although the signs of diabetes begin to appear early, sometimes it takes an individual a while to identify the symptoms of diabetes.

If you have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes you can probably experience a wide range of emotions including helplessness and sheer devastation that comes along with the disease. It can be disturbing and it’s a problem that spreads fast. Data suggests that around 10% people in USA have diabetes and nearly one third are unaware of the fact that they have diabetes. Moreover about 1.4 million people in USA are diagnosed with diabetes every single year. The data shows that the metabolic disorder is becoming widespread issue and it affects all of us at some point in life directly or indirectly.

If you have discovered that you have type 2 diabetes, there is hope. The first step that you need to take to treat diabetes is to acknowledge the symptoms of diabetes, what’s going in your body. So, let’s get started.

What are the warning signs of Type 2 diabetes?

The common indications of Type 2 diabetes are frequent urination and excessive thirst. Ignoring these can cause worse health complications. Read to learn those several symptoms of diabetes that can occur early on with diabetes”

  1. Are you making more trips to the bathroom, particularly at night? if yes then you could have high blood sugar.
  2. When your blood sugar is high, the kidneys are unable to filter it and flush it out of the blood and into the urine. This results in more urine production and causes frequent trips to toilets. This also increases the risk of urinary tract infections.
  3. Frequent urination causes you to lose lots of fluid which contributes to dehydration. Consequently, developing a thirsty feeling and dry mouth. Drinking more than usual could be a sign of Type 2 diabetes.
  4. Having diabetes means your cells don’t have enough glucose which contributes to weight loss. Urinating more frequently because of uncontrolled diabetes can cause you to lose more calories and fluids, resulting in weight loss.
  5. Body cells need insulin to take in glucose. The body of a diabetic doesn’t make enough insulin and the glucose can’t get into cells. Which can make you feel tired and hungry than usual.

Can you reverse Type 2 diabetes symptoms?

Treatment for Type 2 diabetes involves close monitoring of the blood sugar level and using diabetes medications and insulin whenever required. It is also recommended to lose extra pounds through diet and regular physical activity. There are some diabetes medications that have weight loss as a side effect, which can help to control diabetes. Doctors recommend starting with eating healthy, getting more exercise and lose weight. By adopting these healthy habits, one can reduce diabetes symptoms. Various research studies show that lifestyle changes and regular physical workout can reverse the condition to a great extent.

How to control diabetes?

There are many ways you can lose weight and reduce diabetes symptoms. A commitment to a balanced diet and regular exercise may be all you need to gain control over your condition.

Involve in physical activities- Introducing an exercise routine to your daily activities is important for your overall health. Regular exercise helps you to lose weight and start to reverse your condition. It is a wise decision to talk to a doctor before making a plan and remember the following things:

  1. Go slow with your workout. If you are not into exercising, start with a short walk then gradually increase the duration, intensity, and switch to brisk walking and running.
  2. Brisk walking is the best workout one can do without efforts. A brisk walk is simple and requires no equipment.
  3. It is best to check blood sugar before and after a meal.
  4. Always keep a snack with you to avoid a condition of blood sugar drop while exercising.

Also Read: 7 Best Exercises If You Have Type 2 Diabetes

Make dietary changes- If you want to manage your diabetes symptoms and reverse the condition, it is necessary to improve the quality of your diet. A nutritionist or a doctor can help you plan a diet chart that can help you achieve your goals. A balanced diet should include:

  1. Reduced calories
  2. Healthy fats
  3. Whole grains
  4. Lean proteins such as soy, beans, poultry, low-fat dairy, and fish
  5. A variety of fruits and vegetables
  6. Limited sweets and alcohol

Doctors recommend a low carb diet when it comes to managing Type 2 diabetes. A low carb diet should include around 46 to 60 grams of carbohydrate at each meal, a total of about 200 grams per day.

It is possible to control symptoms of type 2 diabetes, but a strong commitment to healthy eating and regular exercise is required. If you follow these lifestyle changes and maintain healthy body weight, you may be able to free yourself from this metabolic disorder and its associated complications.