6 Common Causes of Oily Skin

For the beautiful ladies, oily skin is the worst nightmare, as the extra oil reduces the charm of the face. Everyone has some oil in their skin; some have more, and some have less. Here, the question is how and from where the skin produces oil. A sebaceous gland under each pore produces a natural oil called sebum. It is a waxy, oily substance that keeps skin hydrated and protected. Unfortunately, few skins produce extra oil, which makes skin oilier.

Skin care for oily skin and other skin types is important to maintain flawless skin in the long run. A few things that you should consider while looking for ways to get rid of oily skin are:

    1.   Follow the right oily skin care routine
    2.   Choose wise products for oily skin care
    3.   Set a skin routine for oily skin
    4.   Identify the reasons your oily face causes
    5.   Consult a dermatologist for your oil face treatment.

Oily skin types

Usually, the skin has many types, but oily skin has two types: completely oily and combination. Respectively, completely oily skin often shines on their face, and large pores and breakouts are very visible. In contrast, in combination skin, only the T-zone is affected; the rest of the cheeks, chin, and other parts of the face either remain dry or are normal skin types. Opting for oily skin treatment can help a sufferer who may be tired of finding the best skin care for oily skin, but no luck has worked yet.

Oily skin causes

Some simple signs of oily skin include a greasy and shiny look, blackheads, open pores, an eruption of acne and pimples, etc. Our lifestyle, seasonal changes, pollution, dirt dust, and diet are some of the root causes of oily skin.

    •   Stress – Anxiety and stress are an issue for many diseases, so for oily skin, when you take too much stress, the body increases the level of stress hormones. This caused an increase in oil, which increased pimples, pores, and cracks.
    •   Genetic – Genetic genes contribute to this skin type condition automatically. Many experts say there is a much higher risk of getting oily skin from first-degree relatives.
    •   Diet – An unhealthy diet makes your skin dull and steals the glow. Eating a healthy diet is always good for the skin and body. Expert advice is to take a proper diet; adding sufficient protein nuts can give you healthy and glowing skin.
  • best skin care for oily skin 
    •   Change in season – A change in season or weather directly affects the skin; winter causes dryness, and summer causes oily skin.
    •   Aging – Growing older is always beneficial but not for everyone; there are people who, even in older age, usually deal with pimples, skin cracks, etc, due to oily skin.
    •   Makeup – Wearing makeup on oily skin is the most difficult task. Oily skin does not let makeup stay for long. It’s important to use a non-comedogenic or oil-free labeled product to let it make your skin look beautiful.

General tips for skin care routine for oily skin

Following the right oily skin routine is imperative to keep your skin healthy.

    • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water daily to keep your skin hydrated enough.
    • Avoid touching your face: Minimize touching your face with your hands to prevent the transfer of oils and bacteria, which can cause breakouts.
    • Blotting papers: Keep blotting papers handy during the day to absorb excess oil without disturbing your makeup.
    • Balanced diet: A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can improve your skin’s health. Avoid excessive consumption of greasy or sugary foods.
  • skin routine for oily skin 
    • Avoid over-washing: Washing your face too often can irritate skin and its natural oils, causing it to produce even more oil. Stick to cleansing twice a day.
    • Use mild products: Use mild and fragrance-free products to cleanse and tone your face.
    • Consult a dermatologist: If you struggle with persistent oiliness or acne, consult a dermatologist for personalized advice and treatment options. He will guide and advise you on the best products for oily skin you should use because every patient has different tolerances to different products.

Oily skin prevention

Using a good toner, scrubbing, and applying the right sunscreen are easy methods to prevent oily skin. Add more face masks like clay, honey, and oatmeal for oily skin care.