7 Side Effects of High-Intensity Workouts

Exercise could be dangerous too if your body is not prepared for really intense levels. However, long-term studies have shown that intense workout can benefit you by preventing and repairing oxidative damage. High-intensity workout is a form of strength activities which involves the repetition of short bursts of high-intensity exercise such as weight lifting.

This type of workout is mainly followed by people who are interested in bodybuilding. However, many other people include intense training in their routine to maintain a toned body. It is said that a one-hour session of high-intensity workout can burn up to 1,000 calories. But, experts suggest that if an individual is not accustomed to this form of high-intensity exercise, it could be more harmful than providing benefits.

7 Side Effects of High-Intensity Workouts

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Experts revealed the following side effects of following a high-intensity workout:

  1. High-intensity workout can increase risk of heart disease and cancer

An intense workout may lead to damage and prematurely age your heart. When you are sitting, your heart pumps about 5 quarts of blood per minute and when you’re running, it goes up to 25-30 quarts per minute. Your heart is not made to pump this amount of blood for hours. When you are pushing your body to an extreme level, your heart basically comes in a state of ‘volume overload’ that makes the walls of your heart muscle stretched, literally breaking the fibers apart.

  1. These workouts also weaken the body’s ability to fight off free radicals

High-Intensity workouts weaken the body’s ability to fight off free radicals. These are the harmful chemicals in your body that alter DNA and lead to illnesses. This high level of exercise can decrease your body’s ability to prevent and repair DNA damage.

  1. It can cause oxidative damage

If your workout is challenging, it will be probably causing significant oxidative stress, which contributes to fatigues. In the case, it’s probably possible that any exercise that is making you tired will be causing some oxidative damage. Workout routine at a high-intensity level may cause oxidative damage.

  1. It creates a small tear in the muscles

Scientists found signs of stress in the muscles of people involving in the high-intensity workout. It creates a small tear in the muscles during a workout. In fact, intense workouts not only reduces mitochondrial functionality, but also responsible for damaging muscles in people who are healthy, untrained, or only moderately active.

  1. People with the High-Intensity workout also had a weakened ability to fight off rogue tissues

Rogue tissues are responsible for aging; High-Intensity workout had a weakened ability to fight off rogue tissues. This cause premature aging and tissue damage after a workout.

  1. High-intensity workout reduces the ability to consume oxygen

Studies have found that high-Intensity workout reduces the ability to consume oxygen and fight off damage from free radicals. Your body follows a defense system of antioxidants to prevent free radical damage.

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  1. Regular high-intensity exercise developed atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation is an irregular heart rhythm, which is a known stroke risk factor. Results showed that men who exercised intensely for more than 5 hours a week were 19% more likely to have an irregular heart rhythm.

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