Can I Have Asthma and Not Know It?

Current findings suggest that many adults with asthma may not realize that they have a chronic respiratory condition and don’t seek medical help. If you need to get some relief, then buy Ventolin inhaler online.

Asthma is a common long term respiratory illness, but are you aware of the signs and symptoms of asthma? Millions of people across the world are receiving treatment for asthma. Anybody can develop inflammation in airways at any age. Research shows that people are aware of common asthma symptoms which include coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath and don’t recognize other warning signs like a persistent cough, chest pain, and trouble sleeping. Because many adults do not have traditional asthma symptoms, they don’t realize that they are suffering from the chronic illness.

However, it is possible to live an active life even with asthma. In some cases, being unaware of the condition and not receiving appropriate treatment may lead to poor asthma control. It is important to understand that a severe asthma attack may be life-threatening. Fortunately, you can avoid a fatal asthma attack, and not everybody with asthma experience severe episodes of asthma. The symptom varies from person to person, and it is quite difficult to spot if something is going wrong inside your body. Exposure to allergens like pollen, animal fur, dust, mites, and certain chemicals can trigger an asthma attack or made your respiratory illness worse. Other triggers include cigarette smoke, stress, exercise, and change in temperature. Sometimes cold air in the morning and night can also worsen your condition. You can use Ventolin inhaler 100 mcg (200mdi) under the guidance of a doctor to help relieve asthma symptoms.

What are the signs and symptoms of Asthma?

  • You have a cough that never goes away- Coughing is normal and doesn’t mean for many people most of the time. It wouldn’t necessarily always mean asthma. But it is quite possible to have a cough as the only sign of asthma. If you have been coughing for several weeks, or a persistent cough in the absence of cold and flu could be a sign of asthma. When an asthma patient takes a breath, he/she feels an interruption in from of dry cough while catching the breath.
  • Wheezing- Wheezing is a common symptom but not always indicate asthma. A weird whistling sound while breathing can be a sign of asthma. The condition is common in kids under five years of age. Not every adult suffering from asthma wheezes. If you are not aware of asthma, you may ignore this symptom as it is not harmless, but it is important to get checked out to avoid worsening of asthma symptom.
  • You experience random episodes of shortness of breath- Most people ignore this symptom as breathlessness can have many causes. Everybody struggles to breathe after a session of strenuous exercise, and physically unfit people often experience this condition. Older adults tend to experience breathlessness as they age. If activities like running, moderate exercise, walking, or gardening may leave you to feel breathless, it could because of your asthma. You should consult a doctor when you struggle to catch your breath even while doing low key activities like household chores. Having frequent bouts of shortness of breath may be a matter and should be discussed with a doctor.
  • Tightness in the chest- Another common sign of asthma is the feeling of tightness in the chest. There are again numerous causes for chest tightness but a serious one which should not be ignored in any case. Chest tightness, along with breathing difficulties are symptoms of a wide range of diseases, including asthma. A tight chest with restrict breathing affects your lung function.

If you can’t exhale or inhale properly, it may be a sign your lungs are not working well, which means something is going wrong inside your body. It is important to get regular medical care. Your doctor will determine your treatment plan based on the severity of your condition, what triggers you to have airway inflammation, and lifestyle modifications. Quick-relief inhalers can help relax your airways during an asthma episode. You can easily get Ventolin inhaler online to control your asthma symptoms. According to research studies, the majority of people demonstrate the poor technique of using an inhaler drug. Therefore, it is important to speak to your doctor for the proper usage of the inhaler drugs. Buy Ventolin online from a reliable source that provides authentic medications.

Everybody with asthma is provided with an asthma action plan; following step by step instructions will help to prevent an asthma attack. Religiously following an asthma management plan will make you less likely to visit the hospital because of asthma. Even if you are suffering from mild respiratory illness, it is essential to have it one.

Also Read: Things People with Asthma Needs To Know About COVID-19