Having Diabetes Can Cost You Dearly

One of the costliest and most prevalent diseases is diabetes, but unfortunately, most of the cases are unrecognized. Many complications due to diabetes can be prevented if it is detected and treated appropriately in the stages. Not having adequate diabetes control can make the situation worse. The high sugar level or side effects of diabetes injure blood vessels that can cause damage to the heart, kidney, brain, and even eyes.

To understand diabetes or diabetes mellitus, first, you must understand how your body manages glucose, i.e., the sugar fueling your metabolism. After you eat, your digestive tract breaks down carbohydrates into simple sugars to be absorbed into your bloodstream. Glucose is far from the most important of these sugars and is an indispensable energy source for your body’s cells. But to provide that energy, it must travel from your blood into your cells. Timely diabetes management is important to stay away from unwanted health disorders.

Types of Diabetes

    1. Type 1 diabetes – Type 1 diabetes, at some point in time, is also called juvenile diabetes. In this condition, the body doesn’t produce insulin. People usually develop type 1 diabetes during childhood, teenage years, or before their 40th year. Even after much research, there is no cure for type 1 diabetes. Patients are advised to take insulin injections for life to follow type 1 diabetes treatment. They must also ensure proper blood glucose levels by taking regular blood tests and following a healthy diet.
    2. Type 2 diabetes – In this diabetes, the body doesn’t produce enough insulin for proper functions, or the cells react to insulin. Type 2 diabetes mellitus cases are more compared to type 1. Some people may be able to control their type 2 diabetes symptoms through weight control, following a healthy diet, working out regularly, and watching their blood glucose levels. However, it is typically a progressive disease that gets gradually worse, and the patient will probably end up taking insulin, usually in tablet form.
    3. Gestational diabetes – This diabetes affects females during pregnancy. Some women have very high glucose levels in their blood, and their bodies cannot produce enough insulin to transport all the glucose into their cells, resulting in a progressively rising glucose level. Patients with this kind of diabetes can control their diabetes through regular exercise and a strict diet. Some patients are even recommended to take some blood glucose-controlling medicines. Gestational diabetes that remains unrecognized can raise the risk of complications during childbirth. It is also believed that gestational diabetes is temporary; the glucose range becomes normal for most patients after childbirth.

Let’s look at the symptoms of type 2 diabetes and type 1.

Diabetes 2 symptoms:

    1. Increased thirst and urination
    2. Increased hunger
    3. Fatigue
    4. Blurred vision
    5. Numbness or tingling in the feet or hand
    6. Sores that don’t heal, unexplained weight loss.

Diabetes 1 symptoms:

    1.   Drinking more water than usual
    2.   Increased urination
    3.   Bed-wetting episodes in children
    4.   Feeling very hungry
    5.   Weight loss without trying
    6.   Mood changes and feeling irritable
    7.   Feeling weak and tired
    8.   Having blurry vision

Diabetes care includes:

    1. It mainly requires lifestyle modification.
    2. A moderate degree of exercise and maintaining a healthy and fit body can keep the disease at bay.
    3. Routine consumption of high-calorie foods is required to be avoided.
    4. Children must be distracted from having too much unhealthy junk food.

type 1 diabetes treatment

Diabetes treatment guidelines:

    1. Healthy eating and exercise help maintain diabetes levels.
    2. Keep a close watch on your blood sugar levels and keep that check as and when your doctor advises.
    3. Type 1 diabetes can be managed with insulin, proper dietary changes, and exercise.
    4. Type 2 diabetes can be managed with non-insulin medications, diabetes treatment diet, and weight loss.

The Cure for Diabetes:

The causes of diabetes can only be controlled and cannot be cured, as per the conventional textbook treatment. But now, weight loss surgery has proven a cure for obese diabetics. Even the newer sleeve gastrectomy has shown very good results in diabetics.

Diabetes is not only a disease of overweight people; one must learn to recognize, prevent, and cure the disease that is affecting millions of people worldwide. The most dangerous fact about diabetes is that it’s painless and, hence, hard to detect. Even a slight increase in fat content can cause insulin resistance. A physician should check one, and a glucose tolerance test is a must. The test figured out the body’s response to 100 grams of glucose, and it was studied at a gap of every thirty minutes.

Insulin levels should be checked against the blood sugar level. If the insulin levels are higher, the body has to produce more insulin to turn glucose into energy.

Diabetes can affect your pocket and expenses! So, don’t let the diabetes treatment cost deprive you and your family of the basic requirements! Therefore, take timely action for type 1 and type 2 diabetes treatment if you suffer from the symptoms mentioned above to live a peaceful life!

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