Possible heart symptoms you shouldn’t ignore!

Signs of heart problems are enough to create panic among many. In the U.S. alone, heart diseases are responsible for deaths of approximately 40% of the U.S population. However, many still fail to recognize the symptoms of heart problems. This is because most of the symptoms of heart problems aren’t as dramatic as the movies portray. Also, people often confuse serious heart symptoms for heartburn, muscle soreness, or other non-cardiac causes.

It is important to understand that symptoms of a heart problem varies from person to person and according to the gender. People with various heart risk factors, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, or a family history of heart disease especially need to be well informed about the various possible heart symptoms.

Some of these are highlighted below:

Chest Pain and/or Pressure: Agonizing chest pain is definitely the most distinct symptom of a heart attack. This kind of chest pain can also be described as a feeling of fullness or tightness or as a severe burning sensation. In such a situation, one must call 911 and seek medical attention immediately.


Recognizing this particular heart symptom can be tricky as most people feel fatigued at least occasionally. In a case where fatigue is experienced along with fever, then it’s unlikely to be an emergency. However, the alarm bells should start ringing if one experiences fatigue without any supporting explanation and if it’s coupled with other symptoms like a chest or jaw pain.

Jaw pain:

Yes, jaw pain can be a tell-tale sign of cardiovascular trouble. However, this symptom is often accompanied by many others. Some of these include fatigue, shortness of breath, sweatiness, along with pain or discomfort in the neck, shoulders, and chest. If you experience these symptoms then ensure to call 911 right away, before your condition seriously deteriorates.


It is believed that in comparison to the other symptoms of a heart attack, sweating makes people reach out for help much faster. As a matter of fact, sweating surprisingly ranks higher than chest pain in terms of getting people to the hospital. So, if one goes through excessive perspiration for no apparent reason and also notices some of the above mentioned symptoms, then reach out for help immediately.

symptoms of heart attackShortness of Breath:

Suddenly finding yourself unable to breathe is a very alarming situation to be in. Irrespective of whether it’s a sign of a heart attack or not, one must immediately call 911. In the case of a possible heart attack, one may struggle to breathe normally and may also experience other symptoms present on this list.

Pounding heart:

An increased pulse rate is an indication that your heart is pumping faster. It could also be a sign that it’s having difficulty in pumping and is working harder to get enough blood to your body parts. Excessive strain on the heart that results in extreme pounding and a feeling of heaviness in the chest could be a sign of a possible heart attack.

Intense Anxiety:

At the time of a possible heart attack, a person may feel irrational anxiety. This is more like a sense of fear that something bad is about to happen, but the person is unable to justify this fear. In addition to this, if the concerned person feels dizzy, nauseous, sweaty or clammy then he or she must immediately reach out for help.

Several people are under the impression that heart problems are not common among women, and that men are more prone to having them. However, in reality nearly half of those who die from heart attacks in the United States are believed to be women. Irrespective of which gender one belongs to, it is extremely essential to follow a good diet and exercise regime to protect your heart from various diseases. If you fall in a high-risk category due to high blood pressure, obesity, etc then the above mentioned symptoms must be looked out for in order to prevent a possible heart attack.

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