Promote Hair Growth and Prevent Hair Loss

A good-looking hairstyle can clearly be distinguished in the crowd, but hair loss or hair pattern could dent your smart look. Although some factors causing hair loss are not under your control, you can certainly use medicinal or natural hair growth products and follow some tips for hair loss prevention to protect and grow them well.

Why do we require hair growth measures?

Hair grows at a natural pace, about a half-an-inch in a month. Remember that there are no shortcuts to growing long and luscious hair. In yesteryears, hair loss or gray hair used to be a sign of aging, but things have changed now. Today’s lifestyles and mental stress have become a cause of hair fall, and people could face hair problems at a younger age. Some common hair problems that most adults experience are hair loss, split ends, dandruff, and hair follicle damage. One should consider good, effective, safe measures or hair loss treatment to promote growth.

When you consult a dermatologist, he suggests medicines that help grow hair back. Regrow hair through medicines and topical formulations is expensive and should be tried when your hair condition does not improve after using home/natural remedies. However, medicinal-based hair growth treatment is not necessarily suitable for all.

Going natural is the best way to regrow hair or care for them. Achieving natural hair growth is the least expensive way, and it comes with rare or no side effects. This page will cover some natural hair loss remedies that can also be considered as natural hair loss treatments when you follow them rigorously. The following tips can sometimes help regrow hair naturally in 3 weeks.

Hair loss remedies or Natural hair growth tips:

    1.   Take healthy diet
      The intake of a healthy diet is one of the best thing for hair growth. A healthy diet has no substitute, and if you are looking to prevent hair fall or hair loss, you cannot compromise on nutritious food items. Experts who recommend hair loss treatment for men advise taking foods rich in vitamins A, B, B-complex, C, and E and essential minerals like zinc, iron, magnesium, copper, and selenium. These substances can foster hair growth and make hair follicles stronger.

      Some particular food items like milk, cheese, whole grains, salmon, spinach, yogurt, chicken, eggs, broccoli, parsley, grapefruit, avocado, bell peppers, cabbage, brown bread, alfalfa, and oats should be taken regularly. You can add some juicy fruits, including oranges, grapes, berries, beet, carrots, and bananas, to compensate for the important ingredients needed for hair loss prevention.

      Your diet should not contain omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and vitamin E that sufficiently prevent hair thinning and loss. If you are undertaking a medication or hair fall treatment, healthy foods must support the treatment.

      Protein is another important element that can help you prevent the damage of hair follicles. Emphasize more edible products like fish, seeds, beans, nuts, pulse, eggs, and meats to uplift the protein level in your body and attain natural hair regrowth.

    1.   Massage hair scalp
      Hair massage is essential to promote blood flow to the scalp, which helps to make hair follicles strong and prevent hair fall. You can use a natural oil to massage your hair and deep shake the follicles. Apply this practice at least once a week and rinse your hair after 30 to 60 minutes of the massage.
    1.   Take hair growth supplements
      Some particular vitamins or supplements are available to help you reduce the amount of hair fall. Those with biotin deficiency are more likely to develop the problem of hair thinning. Biotin supplements are available to compensate for the shortage in the body. Moreover, you can take other supplements like fish oil, folic acid, kelp, saw palmetto, and ginseng that can help in hair loss prevention or hair fall treatment. Folic acid and biotin are the specific B-complex vitamins (vitamins B9 and B7, respectively) that can intensify hair growth in both men and women.
    1.   Minimum use of chemical products
      Using more chemical-based products, such as shampoo, conditioners, and cosmetic oils, weakens hair. Daily chemical-rich hair care items can damage and weaken hair follicles, leading to hair fall. On the other hand, the contact of herbal products will help to clean dandruff and strengthen hair follicles. It’s also helpful in promoting the natural shine of the hair.

      natural hair loss remedies

    1.   Limit hair styling and heat styling
      Frequent hair styling or heat styling makes your hair duller, weaker, and more damaged. To go the extra mile, one should avoid heat styling as it blocks hair follicles that work to grow hair.
    1.   Maintain hair and trim regularly
      You must maintain your hair carefully to prevent any forced damage to the follicles. Regular hair cutting and trimming can reduce the risk of hair brittle split ends. Proper hair wash, combing, air drying, and protection from dust and heat are necessary for hair loss prevention. Timely haircuts keep your hair moisturized and in shape.
    1.   Sufficient sleep
      Take a proper sleep. 7 to 8 hours of a good night’s sleep is essential for overall health. It helps relieve stress, tiredness, and anxiety, which usually trigger hair, skin, and other health issues.

The best hair loss treatment for females or males works only when it is followed per regime. If the natural hair treatment shows no result in 12 weeks, consult a dermatologist to determine how your hair can be treated.

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