Short Term and Long-term Effects of Alcohol

Regularly drinking alcohol has a lot of negative consequences on the overall health of an individual. High blood pressure, liver cirrhosis, irregular heartbeats, and cancer are linked to the long-term effects of alcohol consumption.

The most important thing that everyone should consider is that most people with alcohol addiction are more likely to experience problems with their health.

Exceeding the guidelines for alcohol consumption significantly increases the risk of your developing alcohol dependence and strokes.

Millions of people in the US struggle with alcohol dependence, abuse, alcohol addiction, or alcohol use or alcohol use disorder. According to research, only a few people with a diagnosed alcohol use disorder get the help they need, which means millions of people every tear struggle with acute and chronic health issues. Short term and long-term effects come from excessive consumption of alcohol regularly.

Alcohol effects are different and vary person to person. Some people can limit their alcohol consumption while others find it difficult in controlling their addiction.

Tolerance to alcohol, age and medical history of the individual, can influence the effects of alcohol. If you and your loved one is struggling with alcohol addiction and its dangerous effects, it is the right time to look for help.

While consuming a small amount has its breathing effects, using alcohol can help escape from the social and public work which could lead to harmful effects. Alcohol consumption more than the body is consumed at the right time and can endure the devastating health complications including a type of permanent damage to the liver. Untreated alcohol can be used really devastating for long term effects of the medicine so the toxicity will be taken into revenge of that old sophisticated thing.

Short term effects of Alcoholism

Even a single serving of alcohol can have disastrous effects on your health. The initial effect of alcohol can be quite pleasant and make you feel happy and relaxed. But the feeling of pleasure can be short-lived.

Alcohol consumption may give rise to poor thinking, decreased in decision-making abilities.

The liver can metabolize about one serving of alcohol per hour, depending on the age, gender, and weight. Consuming more than one drink per hour results in intoxication. With the increase in blood alcohol content rises in a person. The effects can be easily calculated by its own.

Also Read: Treating Alcoholism with Medical Marijuana

The long- term effects of excessive alcohol consumption

Alcohol dependence contributes to more than 200 diseases. Around 88000 people die in the US from alcohol-related diseases every year. This makes alcohol dependence the third leading cause of death in the US.

  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Cancer
  • Osteoporosis
  • Pancreatitis
  • Stomach ulcers
  • Immune system dysfunction
  • Cardiovascular problems
  • Liver disease
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Brain and nerve damage
  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Mental health issues such as anxiety and depression
  • Stomach ulcers

Alcohol affects every part of the body, so it can cause any health problem. According to research studies, women who tend to drink more than the recommended serving of alcohol per day are more likely to develop liver disorders, nerve damage, and cardiomyopathy after few years than the man who regularly consume alcohol. Alcohol can have an adverse effect on developing brain of the unborn baby. If a woman consumes alcohol during pregnancy, there are chances that the baby will be born with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).

Alcohol addiction and withdrawal

Those persons who consume a large amount of alcohol are shown to have increased tolerance level and their body required more alcohol to attain the desired effect. The body of such people adapts to the presence of nicotine in the alcohol, which contributes to alcohol addiction or alcohol dependence. Alcohol drug treatment can help reduce the craving and treat the addiction. Your health care professional will provide you alcohol medication that suits your condition.

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