Anti-aging foods

Everyone wants a glowing, youthful complexion. While there is no miracle cure to bring a healthy glow, but a healthy lifestyle including the Anti-aging foods can make your skin regain the lost shine.

anti-aging foods

If you are facing dry skin, wrinkles, and fine lines, it is time to forget the expensive treatments and creams and opt for simple, healthy eating. Here are some Anti-aging foods that can help your skin look young and great.

Pomegranates – It is loaded with vitamin C that offers excellent protection against sun damage. It also contains ingredients that fight off the damage caused by free radicals and also help to enhance the capacity of the body to preserve collagen, the tissue that helps to make the skin look plump and smooth.

Blueberries – These fruits comprise more Antioxidants than most other foods. It provides good protection against the free radicals caused by exposure to the sun, or stress. The fruit helps prevent the damage to cell structure, which in turn can lead to wrinkles, fine lines and loss of firmness.

Also Read: Health benefits of wheat grass juice

Leafy greens – Veggies keep the skin healthy and hydrated. These comprise special phytonutrients that act as a guard against the damage caused by the sun. Foods such as spinach contain lutein and beta-carotene help to improve the elasticity of the skin. Veggies also comprise calcium, folate and several other nutrients that also offer protection against cognitive decline and help to avoid several age related health issues. Make sure to include plenty of vegetables in your Anti- aging diet.

Whole grains – They are rich in minerals, vitamins, Anti-oxidants and fiber that help decrease the risk of many age-related illnesses including cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Green Tea – One of the most important Anti-aging foods, the healthy brew comprises catechins, an effective compound that helps to prevent sun damage and polyphenols that help reverse the signs of aging. Start drinking a cup of green tea everyday and see its effects on your skin and overall health within a month. Green tea also comprises Antioxidants and EGCG that enable cells to grow properly and maintain a healthy life cycle.

Olive oil – It is also excellent to prevent age-related cognitive decline and other serious ailments.

Watermelon – The refreshing fruit is one of the excellent Anti-aging foods and contains effective ingredients that help to regulate the balance of nutrients and water in the cells.

Avoid inflammatory foods – Fast foods, sugary and processed foods are a big no-no in your Anti-aging diet as they make your skin more prone to wrinkles and cause you to age faster.

Tomatoes – They contain plenty of vitamin C that helps to build collagen and make your skin look plumper and firmer. They also contain ingredients that help protect the skin from the harmful rays of the sun. You will notice a youthful glow on your face after just a few weeks of eating tomatoes every day.

Nuts – Nuts make for one of the best Anti-aging foods. The omegas in the nuts are great for your skin. Some nuts such as almonds also contain vitamin E, which can help deal with skin issues such as psoriasis, eczema and acne. Next time you are hungry, instead of chips, try a handful of nuts and start noticing the difference to your skin.

Apart from eating these Anti- aging foods, make sure to take good care of your skin externally as well. Here are some skincare basics:

Use a sunscreen of SPF 30 all through the year
Apply a nourishing face pack once a week
Consume fruits and vegetables that have a high water content
Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes
Avoid picking at blemishes
Don’t take too too-hot showers

The right Anti- aging foods in combination with a regular regime of exercises and proper skincare can work miracles to restore the healthy glow on your skin.

Also Read: Healthy foods for perfect skin 

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