Healthy diet for glowing skin

Skin whitening is a common concern among those looking for cosmetic and dermatologic processes. A healthy diet is always considered superior to artificial glowing skin products. Maintaining appropriate hydration, eating seasonal fruits and vegetables prevent acne, reduce fine lines and pigmentation, and improve skin complexion. So, what’s the safest pick?

A skin whitening diet plan is becoming popular as it brightens skin tone and improves skin health. This blog will discuss a healthy diet for clear and glowing skin.   

Can diet affect your skin?

Aside from genetics and lifestyle, what you eat is key to maintaining skin health. Research says fruits and vegetables high in vitamins and minerals enhance skin complexion and help eliminate common skin conditions like acne, fine lines, and inflammation. Eating a healthy diet makes your skin glow by removing toxins from the body. Foods containing high amounts of salt, sugar, and fat that are heavily processed can cause inflammation, reducing skin quality. Following such a diet can cause decreased skin elasticity, fine lines, wrinkles, and increased skin ageing.

Foods for skin whitening 

Several factors, including your diet and lifestyle, influence the condition of your skin and how it ages. Smoking, prolonged exposure to the sun, and a diet rich in processed and sweetened foods, along with dehydrators like caffeine and alcohol, can affect your skin’s health. A clear skin diet plan that includes skin-friendly food and ample hydrating fluids will help improve elasticity, enhance your skin’s appearance and protect you from UV damage.

Here are some foods that make the best diet for glowing skin:

1. Amla or Indian gooseberry

Amla is enriched with vitamin A, which helps increase collagen production in your body. Collagen is an important skin component that keeps your skin looking radiant and glowing. To make the most out of it, eat amla on an empty stomach early in the morning. This significantly reduces collagen degeneration and stimulates the body to produce more collagen.

2. Strawberries make you merry!

Strawberries are blessed with the goodness of vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that enhances the production of collagen fibres that help keep your skin smooth and taut. The higher the amount of vitamin C, the fewer the lines and wrinkles. They are abundant in ellagic acid, an antioxidant which protects the elastic fibres that prevent skin from sagging or drooling.

3. Curd 

With cooling, nutritious, light, and soothing effects, a bowl of curd is one of the most comforting foods for most people. Consuming curd regularly can add shine to one’s skin and hair. Curd is also an excellent facial ingredient to provide your skin with sufficient hydration and moisturization. It is often considered one of the best moisturizer for glowing skin.  Moreover, it reduces pigmentation and signs of ageing and evens skin tone. But make sure you do not use excessively. 

4. Sweet potato

diet for glowing skin also includes sweet potato, which is anti-inflammatory and has vitamin A content which helps fight acne-causing bacteria. Favoured with the richness of vitamin C, it improves your skin tone and removes pimple scars. You can prepare a yummy bowl of the evening snack by boiling it and adding lemon juice, salt and pepper to it. Eat it with the peel intact for maximum benefits. If it is treated with wax or is too shiny, peeling off the skin is a good idea.

5. Nuts

Nuts are always a vital part of a healthy diet. Nuts, including walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, and seeds like flaxseed and chia, are packed with the goodness of healthy fats and keep you well-oiled. Being a great source of vitamin E, an active sun blocker, they protect your skin cells from damage caused by the sun’s ultraviolet rays. They keep your skin cells supple and soft. Nuts are useful in treating acne or rosacea as they contain minerals like zinc, which help heal blemishes and reduce redness and inflammation.

6. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are high in lycopene, a pigment that assigns red fruits and vegetables their colour. It protects your skin against sunburn and increases collagen content, preventing drooping. Even better, lycopene lowers your risk of heart disease. One can also apply tomato juice for glowing skin. The glow serum helps minimize pores and removes freckles, dark pigmentation, blackheads, and acne.  

7. Apple

An apple a day can keep ageing skin at bay! Apple contains abundant vitamin C, which helps maintain the firmness of your skin and confers an inner glow. Apple also prevents damage caused by free radicals, which causes premature skin ageing. An apple every day promises a glow to your skin. You can also apply drops of apple juice on your face and rinse it off with water after 10 minutes.

8. Protein

Foods containing protein include eggs, meat, fish, beans, lentils, tofu, cheese, etc., ensuring a good supply of amino acids. Our body needs amino acids to make collagen which keeps your skin strong and radiant.

9. Whole grains

Whole grains are enriched with vitamin B, which promotes the growth of skin cells and gives a new radiance to your skin. Replace white bread, white rice and pasta with who and snack on oatcakes, nuts and seeds. Whole grains (such as oats and millets) are tremendous sources of trace mineral silica, which is important for healthy skin, hair and nails.


Good nutrition builds healthy, young and radiant skin. You can follow this diet for clear glowing skin with a pack of power foods to feed your skin beautifully. Ensure you avoid sugar, bad fats and alcohol for the best results. Furthermore, common kitchen ingredients are the best products for glowing skin.  

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