Now You Know: How Much Hair Shedding Is Normal

Not every instance of hair fall is a hair problem rather it’s very natural to shed some. On an average, a woman loses between 60 and 100 strands every day and this condition does not require hair loss treatment. It’s important to know what is the normal hair fall and when to take hair fall treatment for men and women.

Some hair fall is usual:

If you have been seeing a lot of hair whirling down the shower drain or some hairs on your pillow every day, it is not worrisome unless the number of falling hairs is quite high. One could actually just be experiencing the shedding of more hairs than normal; it is a time to contact an expert to get some treatment.

Now You Know: How Much Hair Shedding Is Normal

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It’s seen that the average person loses some 60-100 hairs a day, though the number varies from person to person. In case more hair falls happen than usual in the shorter time, there might be some hair problems or skin care issues.

A short period of excessive hair shedding:

In some specific conditions, one could experience more shedding of hairs than normal. Usually, such conditions occur during steroid intake, after childbirth, high fever, chemotherapy, skin problem, stress, or any other illnesses. It takes 6 to 9 months to regain hair in its normal fullness. A long period of excessive hair shedding is much more problematic and you require an effective hair loss treatment to curb it.

A condition of normal hair fall:

The development of hair happens in a cycle in which each hair follicle undergoes a growth period. Usually, the hair follicles take up to eight years for full development. After that, hair strand begins to fall and is replaced by the new one. This cycle of growth and fall of hair goes on. In the medical term, this condition is called alopecia.

Causes of hair shedding:

Several causes and conditions make your hair follicles weak and thereby force them fall before being matured enough. Some lifestyle-related factors are responsible for causing short-term hair falls. It could be high mental stress, poor nutrition, unhealthy living environment, chemical contact, etc.

What experts say about normal hair fall?

In a normal condition, about 80% of hair follicles continue to grow and develop, while the rest of the follicles either shed or remain same. Those 15-20 % hair follicles do not make much difference in the overall hair density. Adriana Schmidt, M.D., a dermatologist at Santa Monica Dermatology Medical Group, says, when the hair loss exceeds 125 hairs per day, it’s an alarming condition and it could be a condition of “telogen effluvium,” when something pushes more hairs into the resting phase. One requires a hair loss treatment to check and reverse the condition.

Dr. Marotta says that the cause of excess hair loss is as long normal as too much stress or a lack of nutrition in the body. It could also happen due to some skin care issues and the use of a poor chemical hair care or skin care products. The issues related to hormonal balance, immunity system and infections could also become prevalent in hair fall. A hair fall treatment for women and men could be related to the changes in the lifestyle.

Hair loss vs. hair shedding:

Hair loss is a condition when the growth of hair stops, a condition of anagen effluvium. Men who have hereditary hair loss tend to develop a receding hairline or hair pattern. There are various factors responsible for hair loss, such as:

    • Poor immune system
    • Drugs, surgery and hard treatments
    • Heredity
    • Head injury
    • Hairstyles that pull on the hair
    • Harsh hair care products
    • Chemotherapy
    • Hormonal disorder

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On the other hand, hair shedding is a temporary condition. A homemade or natural hair fall treatment is often used to get rid of hair shedding. You can take the help of your dermatologist for performing a skin care treatment and removing other risk factors that destroy hair follicles.

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