All You Want to Know About Dry Skin

Dry skin is a common and uncomfortable skin condition marked by itching, scaling and cracking. It could occur for a number of reasons; while it is seen mostly in those living in colder regions and while experiencing the winter season. Sometimes, even the oiliest skin gets dry.

Dry skin on face is common, but it can also develop on other parts such as legs, arms and abdominal area. Changing lifestyle is necessary to improve symptoms, and if that fails, one should immediately seek medical assistance.

Know About Dry Skin

 What causes dry skin?

• A lot of factors contribute to the formation of dry skin. The traditional soaps and moisturizers that we use daily contain harsh chemicals which tend to irritate the skin causing extreme dryness. In this case, the best option would be to use organic soaps or moisturizers containing ingredients that hydrate and soothe the skin.

• Environmental pollution also causes dry skin and this factor is difficult to avoid because it largely depends on the place where you live in. Although, adopting healthy ways to fight the effects of pollution may help. These include eating nutritious food, drinking plenty of water for skin hydration or to remove toxins and using best organic oils and lotions which protect the skin.

• Dry skin gets worse in the season of winters because of less moisture present in the air and low humidity. This is the reason why cold weather causes dry skin; it is advisable to use more oil during winters. You must also avoid the intake of alcohol, tobacco and caffeine as they are diuretics, and promote water loss through urination and makes skin dry.

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Symptoms of dry skin

The signs and symptoms of dry skin depend on various factors like age, health, cause of condition and place where we reside. Dry skin causes one or more of the following:

• Rough looking skin
• Itching
• Skin tightening after shower or bathing
• Skin redness
• Lines or cracks

For anything ranging from chronic to severe dry skin problems, it is essential to seek dermatologist advice. He would be best to identify the cause of problem and suggest dry skin treatment. People having dry skin on face or other parts can be advised to use moisturized cream or emollients, whereas in some cases steroid cream or ointment also works.

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Dry skin treatment and prevention

For best dry skin treatment, it is very important to bring a change in lifestyle and follow the preventive measures to protect skin from getting dry.

• Try to drink plenty of water to maintain a healthy and glowing skin. As per experts, consume at least 8 glasses of water everyday which would help to hydrate skin and remove all toxins from the body.

• Eat those food items which could provide proper nourishment to the skin. Have essential fatty acids for good skin. Good sources of essential fatty acids include: tree nuts such as walnuts and cold water fish.

• It is very much essential to exfoliate and get rid of dead skin. Exfoliation let you obtain a healthy skin, and further it removes toxins from the body. Dead skin build ups and hampers the working of oils and moisturizers on the skin. The removal of dead skin should be the first choice to prevent dry skin.

• Avoid exposure to cold, windy and hot weather for better skin health.

• Do not rub or scratch skin and try to wear hats and gloves during winter season.
Home remedies for dry skin

• Olive oil and egg yolk- The combination of both olive oil and egg yolk is must for those experiencing dry skin problems. Olive oil is found to be the important key secret ingredient used in treating flaky dry skin. Olive oil is a popular natural anti oxidant, which is a rich source of vitamin E and K. When a teaspoon of it gets combined with two egg yolks and whipped together, then it obtains a stable consistency. Vitamin A present in egg yolks, helps to control shedding of skin and makes it much softer.

• Coconut oil- Applying coconut oil on the face makes it much softer and removes scaly characteristics by moistening it naturally. The sufficient amount of fatty acid in coconut oil helps to make up for every loss of moisture from skin. Try to apply it before you sleep and leave it overnight. Wash it the next morning, and repeat this every night for best possible results.

• Oatmeal honey mask- Using oatmeal works as a great and most effective facial mask for dry skin users. For this, one needs to mix two tablespoons of oats with a single tablespoon of honey and water. Warm the mixture and then gently rub it onto the skin. This mixture can be used to exfoliate or one can leave it on the face for about 15-20 minutes before rinsing for better skin results.

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